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Video Recordings of Michael Gagne performing in concert and leading in Worship Services

​Senior Recital at North Park University
Variations on "America"
by Charles Ives


Videos of Michael In Performance and in Worship

Here are some videos of concert organist  and worship leader Michael Gagne 

Senior Recital at North Park

The Peace May Be Exchanged "Rubrics" 
By Dan Locklair

At Faith Lutheran Church

"Fanfare" by Healey Willan

Michael Gagne during worship services

the Processional Hymn "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" from a live worship service from a previous church that Michael has served. 

​Senior Recital at North Park University
The People Respond... AMEN! "Rubrics"
by Dan Locklair

​Faith Lutheran Church
Easter Sunday 2013
Processional Hymn:
"Jesus Christ is Risen Today" arr. James Biery
Faith Chancel Choir and Brass Ensemble

​St. Peter's Lutheran Church
"Paean Fanfare"
By Oliphant Chuckerbutty

Grace Lutheran Church 
"You Are Holy" -John Helgen

Michael Gagne, Guest Conductor for the final worship service at Grace Lutheran Church, Villa Park, IL. 

Faith Lutheran Church
Easter Sunday 2013
Handbell Choir Anthem:
"Thine Is the Glory" by Susan Geschke
The King's Ringers
Michael Gagne, Minister of Music


Faith Lutheran Church
Easter Sunday 2013
"Glorious Is Thy Name" atrib. W.A. Mozart
Faith Chancel Choir
Michael Gagne, Minister of Music

Faith Lutheran Church
Easter Sunday 2013
Offertory Anthem:
"Crown Him With Many Crowns"
by Craig Courtney

Offertory Verse:
"Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow"
setting by Sterling Procter

Faith Chancel Choir and Brass Ensemble
Michael Gagne, Minister of Music

​Faith Lutheran Church
"Cathedral Fanfare"
by Gordon Young

Michael Gagne, Minister of Music

"highlighting the powerful reeds of the Moller pipe organ"

Faith Lutheran Church
Psalmnody Hymn:
"How Majestic Is Your Name" 
b y Michael W. Smith
Michael Gagne, Minister of Music

Faith Lutheran Church
Michael Gagne and the Venia Arts Ensemble in Concert
"Solemn Processional"
by Richard Strauss
Michael Gagne, Organist
April 21st, 2013

​Faith Lutheran Church
Michael Gagne and the Venia Arts Ensemble in Concert
"Hornpipe Humoresque"
by Noel Rawsthorne

Michael Gagne, Organist
April 21st, 2013

​Faith Lutheran Church
Entrance Hymn:
"Come Thou Almighty King" arr. Richard Unfreid

Michael Gagne, Minister of Music

Saint Matthew Lutheran Church
"What a Friend We Have in Jesus" by Charles Ore

Michael Gagne, Principal Organist

Saint Peter's Lutheran Church

Trumpet Tune -Douglas Wagner
3 manual, 28 rank Schlicker pipe organ
Michael Gagne , organist


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