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​February 11th, 2011

​​North Park University
Hymn Festival: -Hymns for Every Season; Hymns for the Christian Liturgical Year
Festival Organist
Chicago, IL.

​April 28th, 2011

​North Park University
Michael Gagne and Friends in Recital -Junior recital

Works of J.S. Bach, Leon Nelson, W.A. Mozart, Malcolm Archer, Theodore Dubois,
Alexandre Guilmant and others.​

September 9th, 2011
North Shore American Guild of Organist's Members Recital
Church of the Covenants

Organ works by Theodore Dubois and Edward Elgar
Lake Forest, IL. 

December 4th, 2011
North Park University
​Festival of Lessons and Carols"

Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church
Chicago, IL

December 11th, 2011
"Sounds of the Season" -Christmas Concert
Faith Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights, IL
Featuring the Faith Lutheran Chancel choir,
King's Ringers Handbell Choir and guest musicians

​Arlingon Heights, IL​


December 18th, 2011
Evening Worship Service
Palos Heights Christian Reformed Church

Guest Organist 
Rutter "Gloria", Mack Wilberg "Hark the Herald Angel's Sing", "O Come, All You Faithful"
Palos Heights, IL. â€‹


January 29th, 2012

Faith Community Homes Organ Recital Series
Lutheran Home-Arlington Heights

"Toccata"  by Eugene Gigout,
Variations on "Kum Ba Yah" by John Behnke,  
Variations on "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You" by Harm Hoeve
​The Peace May Be Exchanged from "Rubrics" by Dan Locklair

February ï»¿10th, 2012
​Hymn Festival-Let All the World in Every Corner Sing!  Hymns from around the world
North Park University, Chicago, IL.

Festival Organist
Featuring the North Park University Choir, Women's Choir, North Park Brass Ensemble and Handbell choir

April 29th, 2012
​​Michael Gagne in Recital
Faith Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights, IL

Organ works by J.S. Bach, Dan Locklair, Craig Phillips,
 Louis James Alfred Lefebure-Wely, Francois Couperin, Frederick Steffen and others.
Arlington Heights, Illinois


​May 5th, 2012
North Park University -Anderson Chapel
Senior Recital

Guest appearing the North Park University Women's Chorale under the direction of Professor Tom Tropp,
The North Park Brass Ensemble Directed by Dr. Joe Lill.
Works by Charles Ives, Alexandre Guilmant, Pietro Yon, Dan Locklair, Johannes Michel and others.


December 9th, 2012
Faith Lutheran Church
431 S. Arlington Heights Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL. 60005
"Sounds of the Season"
Music for the Advent and Christmas Season

​January 27th, 2013
Faith Lutheran Church
431 S. Arlington Heights Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL. 60005

​Faith Community Homes annual
organ recital series
featuring Michael Gagne and guest organists
(Faith Community Homes is a Non-profit 
organization that helps those in need in
Arlington Heights)

April 14th, 2013;  3pm
Grace United Methodist Church
244 E. Center Ave.
Lake Bluff, IL. 60044

Michael Gagne and the Venia Brass Ensemble in Concert
(This concert will mark Michael's return to perform
on the historic 3 manual, 39 rank W.W. Kimball pipe organ
built back in 1929)

​April 21st, 2013; 7pm
Faith Lutheran Church
431 S. Arlington Heights Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL. 60005

Michael Gagne and the Venia Brass Ensemble in Concert

(This concert will feature works for brass and organ
as well as solo organ works performed by Michael 
on the 3 manual, 40+ rank M.P. Moller pipe organ)

Sunday, October 13th, 2013; 3:30pm                                       Wednesday, December 4th, 2013; 12:05pm
​Libertyville Covenant Church                                                         First Presbyterian Church
250 South St. Mary's Rd.                                                                  302 N. Dunton Ave.
Libertyville, IL. 60048                                                                         Arlington Heights, IL. 60004
                                                                                                                Wednesday's at Noon series
(Advent-Christmas themed organ recital) 


Sunday, November 17th, 2013; 6:30pm                                        Thursday, June 19th, 2014; 7pm
Faith Lutheran Church                                                                                                         Faith Lutheran Church

431 S. Arlington Heights Rd.                                                                                               431 S. Arlington Heights Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL. 60005                                                                                               Arlington Heights, IL. 60005
Pipes and Hammers                                                                                                       Fine Arts Series presents Tim Zimmerman and the King's Brass
(A concert featuring organ and piano duets)                                                        (performed a mini organ recital before the program; also                                                                                                                                                                                          accompanied the King's Brass on two pieces for organ and brass)


Thursday, July 28th, 2016
Saint Matthew Lutheran Church & School
24500 N. Old McHenry Rd.
Hawthorn Woods, Il. 60047

Organ recital on the sanctuary's 2 manual, 1983 47 stop Allen ADC 5000 digital organ. 
Featuring works by Frederick Swann, J.S. Bach, Roland Erismann, Leon Boellmann, Alexandre Guilmant,
and other great works for the "King of Instruments". 



June 27th, 2019
Saint Matthew Lutheran Church
Hawthorn Woods, IL
Organ Dedication Recital Series with Tim Zimmerman and the King's Brass
(mini organ recital with compositions by Dale Wood, Enrico Pasinni,
Charles Callahan, Denis Bedard, and Ennio Morricone.) 



October, 27th, 2019
Saint Matthew Lutheran Church
Organ Dedication Recital 
Rodgers Infinity 361 
(Organ compositions by Diane Bish, Louis Vierne, David German, Felix Mendelssohn,
Johann Gottfried Walther, Jean Langlais, Dan Miller, John Behnke, 
Hans Zimmer, John Williams, Sir Edward Elgar, Albert L. Travis. ) 



C o n c e r t s

Michael Gagne addressing the audience at an organ recital  at North Park Covenant Church, Chicago, IL. 

The 117 rank Ruffatti pipe organ console
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Toccata on "Rejoice, You Pure in Heart"
Recorded during the April 29th organ recital 
at Faith Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights. 2012

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